A clogged toilet may be a nightmare if not handled promptly and correctly. If left unattended, what may start off as your toilet bowl emptying more slowly than usual might develop into your toilet bowl spilling onto your bathroom floor. Fortunately, you have the choice of calling a Blocked Drain Plumber to safely and effectively unclog your toilet or doing it yourself.
According to plumbing services Melbourne, an accumulation of undissolved toilet paper blocking the drain is the most frequent cause of blockages, which can happen for a variety of reasons.
Other issues might be causing your toilet to become clogged, most frequently when random items like toys, food, diapers, or sanitary napkins are flushed down the toilet.
Your plumbing system often has little trouble dissolving toilet paper and breaking it down. You may go about your daily life without worrying about a blocked toilet thanks to a flushing mechanism that works properly.
However, there are situations when your toilet might become blocked because there is too much toilet paper in it. It is possible to unclog a toilet that is clogged with toilet paper in your home in a number of ways, but it is best to call a blocked drain plumber for the best results.
The water supply to the toilet should be turned off using the cut-off valve as your initial action. If the water level in the bowl is still rising, this step is especially crucial. The metal threaded pipe that is attached to the tank usually directs you to the shut-off valve. Normally, the valve is close to the wall. Check behind the cistern if it isn’t. Once you’ve found the valve, spin it in a clockwise direction.
It’s crucial to protect oneself by donning protective clothing, such as rubber gloves and, if feasible, eye protection, before beginning the unpleasant and filthy task of unclogging a toilet. Take away any items from the area around the toilet that you don’t want to be ruined, including the bathmat or potted plants. Prepare a bucket and a few used towels.
You may use a plunger to clear a clogged drain that has been clogged with toilet paper. To effectively plunge your toilet, make sure the suction cup is placed over the drain opening to form a seal. Then pull and push the paper by moving the plunger up and down. This process should be repeated until the obstruction is removed.
When the bowl empties after you remove the plunger, you know you have successfully disintegrated the toilet paper and are prepared to use the toilet normally. If you face any difficulty performing this step, call a blocked drain plumber.
Although it is advisable to exercise caution when using this technique, a coat hanger is a typical home item that may also be used to unclog a toilet. To help disintegrate the toilet paper, the coat hanger may be transformed into a long wire that is placed into the clogged toilet drain and pushed about. To unclog the toilet so that it may be flushed and used properly, poke the blocked paper back and forth.
Although flushing the toilet repeatedly to clear the obstruction might seem like a good idea at the moment, this approach is not advised for unclogging toilets. Overflows from overflowing toilets are a nasty issue that should be avoided if at all feasible.
Unclog the toilet with us
Call Velaqua Plumbing, best Plumbing Services Melbourne at 0402417328 if you want to leave the repair of your paper-clogged toilet to the expert blocked drain plumber. Your toilet will be unclogged by our team of highly qualified blocked drain plumbers in no time, allowing you to use it without concern for any blockages.